7 Key Benefits of Respite Care for Caregivers and Their Loved Ones

There are about 40.4 million unpaid caregivers in the country. Of these professionals, 90 percent are providing care for an aging relative.

Taking care of a family member is an important job. However, you might find yourself burning out faster than expected. After all, you’re likely juggling your family, work, and responsibilities as a caregiver.

You don’t have to take it all on alone. Instead, keep reading to discover the seven benefits of respite care. By choosing respite care, you can enjoy a well-deserved break while trusting your family member is in capable hands.

Want to learn more? Keep reading to discover the top benefits of choosing respite care.

1. Find Time to Relax

As your family member’s caregiver, you have a lot on your plate. For example, your loved one might need nursing or personal care assistance. If they have a chronic illness like Alzheimer’s, they’ll need even more assistance.

Some patients need help climbing the stairs or taking a path. Others need help taking medication or with other complex medical needs. In other cases, your loved one just needs a little companionship.

After running errands throughout town, preparing a meal, and helping them with their meds, you’re bound to feel exhausted. Are you taking the time to relax?

Respite care provides support for family members like you. Your loved one will still get the help they need with food, personal hygiene, or medication. In the meantime, you can take a breath and relax a little.

If you burn yourself out too soon, you won’t be able to help anyone. Instead, one of the benefits of respite care is the chance to take a break when you need it.

In the meantime, your loved one will still get the help they need to manage their disability or chronic illness. They won’t have to move to a facility. Instead, your loved one can remain in the comfort of their own home will getting the help they need.

What does respite care mean?

Respite care is also designed with the patient or caregiver in mind. You can speak with the respite care professional to determine what you and your loved one needs. That way, you can develop a schedule that gives you time to relax.

You can take a break for an hour, a day, or even a few days. Either way, it’s a chance for you to take a break when you need it most.

Go for a walk or meditate, whatever helps you decrease your heart rate and boost your mood.

2. Recharge Your Batteries

In order to take on daily challenges, you’re going to need your energy. It’s not enough to mentally relax. You also need a chance to physically recharge your batteries.

What is the purpose of respite care? In addition to giving you a mental break, it’s also a chance for you to find time to sleep. Without those precious hours of sleep each night, you’ll struggle to focus throughout the day.

On average, millennials spend 21 hours a week on caregiving duties. Nearly 73 percent act as a caregiver while also working a job. You could burn yourself out trying to balance too much.

The lack of sleep can also lead to:

  • Fatigue
  • Weight gain
  • Mood changes
  • Future health issues

You need to catch those z’s! Enjoy this respite care benefit by developing a schedule that works for you. For example, you can have a respite caregiver take over at night, allowing you to sleep.

Meanwhile, your loved one will still receive the help they need. You won’t have to worry about them getting up in the middle of the night or getting hurt while you’re not available. That peace of night can help you relax and sleep, too.

3. Give Yourself Space

In one study, 45 percent of the caregivers involved had unmet needs regarding mental health. Most of the caregivers needed emotional support that they were lacking.

One of the key benefits of respite care is its ability to give you a mental break. Sometimes, you need to separate yourself from a caregiving situation. Your stress levels can run high.

Without realizing it, you might take that stress out on your loved one.

Respite care will help you step back and catch your breath. That space can help you relax and encourage a renewed sense of purpose to the work you’re doing.

4. Enjoy Life

Are you balancing work, home life, and your caregiving responsibilities? If so, you might find it difficult to schedule in time for a little fun now and again. Respite care can give you the time you need to enjoy your life.

There’s no reason to feel guilty about the hobbies you love. Instead, taking the time to enjoy your life will help you recognize how precious that life is.

Then, you can return to your caregiving responsibilities feeling refreshed and appreciative of the life you have.

This respite benefit can help you find balance in your daily life.

5. Maintain Your Identity

Who are you outside of your many responsibilities? Taking a break from your caregiving tasks will help you maintain your identity.

Take a break from your usual routine. Participate in a special event such as a dinner party or concert without feeling guilty.

In the meantime, you’ll have the peace of mind that your loved one is receiving the care they need. You won’t have to worry about their well-being during your break. Instead, you can rest easy knowing they’re in a safe, nurturing environment.

6. Take Time Off

Taking time off from your caregiving responsibilities can also give you a fresh perspective on the situation.

When you’re focused on your caregiving responsibilities, the stress makes it difficult to remember why you took on the task in the first place. Stepping away from the situation for a while can help you return with a clear mind. You might even think of a better way to take care of your loved one or recognize new resources that can benefit you both.

7. Get Engaged

Social isolation is very common among caregivers. Unfortunately, this can have a negative effect on your mental health. It’s important to take the time to engage with your friends and family members.

Go out for lunch, take a shopping trip, and enjoy the day. Getting engaged with others can help improve your mood and mindset before you return to your responsibilities.

Care for Caregivers: 7 Key Benefits of Respite Care for Caregivers

As a caregiver, you need a little care, too! Consider speaking with a respite care team today to enjoy these seven benefits of respite care. They can help you develop a customized plan with your needs in mind.

Need help determining your needs? Request an assessment from our team today!

Benefits of Respite Care

Benefits of Respite Care

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